Edward's Tech Site this site made with Next.js 13 , see the code FORAY: Aug 02, 2024 - MacBook
Notes from the Linked Learning macOS Sonoma Grundkurs course
infoscourse is here my Mac is:MacBook Pro 14-inch 2023 Chip: Apple M2 Pro, i.e. "has an Apple Silicon chip" i.e. not an "Intel chip" Memory: 16 GB macOS Sonoma Version 14.6 Mac operating systemsversion 14 of macOS follows macOS Ventura (version 13) versionsmacOS Sonoma (Version 14): September 26, 2023 macOS Ventura (Version 13): October 24, 2022 macOS Monterey (Version 12): October 25, 2021 macOS Big Sur (Version 11): November 12, 2020 macOS Catalina (Version 10.15): October 7, 2019since Catalina no more iTunes replaced with Music, TV, Podcasts replaced bash with zsh as the default shell macOS Mojave (Version 10.14): September 24, 2018 macOS High Sierra (Version 10.13): September 25, 2017 macOS Sierra (Version 10.12): September 20, 2016 OS X El Capitan (Version 10.11): September 30, 2015 OS X Yosemite (Version 10.10): October 16, 2014 Das Dock kennenlernen control click on divide bar Benutzeroberfläche gestalten Transparenz und Dunkelmodus (Dark Mode) aktivieren Sekundärklick aktivieren right-click = secondary click Widgets verwalten add battery widget can drag widgets onto desktop as well Menüleistensymbole verwenden system settings control centernot same as icon control center ALT for more information command-drag icons to reposition them drop them mac;change size of window proportionally; shift-drag corner; 4.6 mac;what is the ALT key on the Mac keyboard; option; 4.7 Fenstertechniken nutzen mac;how to make window almost full screen; alt/option and green button; 4.9 mac;split screen left/right;hover over green button, choose left/right;4.9 show scroll bars always Pfiffige Funktionen der Menüleiste kennenlernen Finder is default apple symbole remains in all menus mac;how to open terminal; windows/command space (for spotlight) then t, enter;5.0 mac;how to get more options in menus; press option/ALT;4.9 mac; how to open terminal from finder;5.0 Netzwerkverbindungen verwalten Sicher im Internet arbeiten you can block apps update: 14.3.1 mac;how to upgrade operating system;find version at System-Settings/General/macOS (Version 14.3.1), then System-Settings/General/Software-Update (14.6) mac; how to close all windows at once; Cmd-Option(alt)-W, then log back in;4.6 mac; how to close a window;Cmd-W; 4.6 turned on firewall Safari optimal nutzen show full website in settings reader button Wichtige Adressen von Internetseiten verwalten reading list and bookmarks Tabs in Safari verwenden Cmd-click for new tab web pins: puts tabs to the left to make them icons Tabgruppen in Safari tab groups keep all tabs as group Safari-Erweiterungen nutzen install like in Chrome etc. In Safari Profile erstellen und damit arbeiten profiles for e.g. home, work Webseiten sichern, ablegen und teilen Neue E-Mail erstellen E-Mails filtern, ablegen, markieren und in Postfächer bewegen can show only read emails markers will show up as stars in Google mail installed: Snip, to capture png screenshots (Ctrl-Cmd-A) installed: Giphy, to capture gif animations (Cmd-Space, g) mac;how to minimize all apps and show desktop so you can open one at a time;Cmd-Alt-H-M;4.9 E-Mail-Regeln und intelligente Postfächer nutzen filter rules intelligent folders Dock anpassen red button closes mac; how to close app; hold button down on dock icon, then Quit;4.7 mac; hide all apps except the terminals; in dock; right-click dock icon and ALT, then hide others;5.0 mac;how to hide a window;click-hold dock icon, hide;4.5 mac;how to hide all applications but e.g. a terminal;click-hold on dock icon, Opt-[hide others];5.0 Mit Mission Control die Übersicht behalten mac;mission control - show all applications on desktop;Ctrl-Up;5.0 mac;mission control - show all applications of one kind on desktop;Ctrl-Down;5.0 Spaces oder Schreibtische anlegen when app is on full size, it is a space mac; move from one desktop to the next;Ctrl-Right/Left;5.0 mac; make an application appear on all desktops;right-click dock icon, Options, All Desktops Stage Manager nutzen mac; turn on stage manager; control-center, stage manager, then drag and drop from left;4.5 Im Finder navigieren mac; open terminal in CURRENT Finder folder; nnn; 5.0 mac; from Finder folder, go to Terminal for a folder; you have to right click on a FOLDER to go to it; 5.0 mac; go to folder in terminal using Finder; type "cd" then drag in folder;4.5 mac; Finder: go to past folders; click and hold down left or right arrow icon;4.9 mac; Finder: toggle full path; Opt-Cmd-P;4.7 can also customize toolbar Tabs im Finder verwenden mac; Finder: open a directory in a tab; hold down Cmd and double-click on folder, also click on the plus to the right, define which is then opened by defult in Finder/Settings, move through them with Ctrl-Tab;4.8 mac; how to combine multiple Finder windows into one Finder with tabs;Window / Merge all windows;4.4 mac; how to move file around in the Finder; drag them up to tabs and then around;4.8 Darstellungsoptionen des Finders im Überblick mac; Finder: how to make icons larger; View | Show Status Bar;4.4 Mit Tags arbeiten you can also drag a file onto a tag to add that tag to it Stapel im Dock anlegen you can drag down a folder into the dock as a COPY for quick access you can change how they are displayed Optimal mit der Seitenleiste arbeiten you can move around the sections in the sidebar you can drag folders to sidebar Dateien mit der Übersicht voranzeigen mac; Finder: when file is highlighted, how to display it; space bar, then cursor through;4.5 mac; Finder: how to slideshow 5 images; select with Cmd; context menu, ALT-click "slideshow 5 items";4.8 mac; Finder: how to archive 5 images; select with Cmd; context menu, ALT-click "compress ten items";5.0 click on bottom: search in finder Mit Spotlight nach Informationen suchen command and click to go to file in finder can use spotlight as calculator, search machine Intelligente Ordner über Spotlight anlegen mac;find file test001.txt; Cmd-F (finder), "test001";4.8 mac;finder: only search for word in file name and only file;click on plus and define, and save it as a search;5.0 Mehrere Programme mit Split View nebeneinander anzeigen mac;how to best put windows you are working on side-by-side;put first window in full-screen mode, Ctrl-Up, then drag second in on right, to exit, drag the whole window back down and they split up;5.0 Fokus-Funktion einsetzen und nutzen don't disturb for an hour Neue Ordner erstellen mac; keyboard shortcut to create new folder; Cmd-Shift-N;4.2 Dateien markieren, komprimieren und umbenennen mac;how to rename multiple files at once; select, right-click, rename...;4.8 Routenplanung der Karten-App an mobile Geräte weitergeben Termine in der Kalender-App anlegen nice view of the year connected to Google calendar Neue Kalender erstellen, teilen und abonnieren make quick event with plus, nice can't seem to import a second Google calendaryou would have to add the Google account centrally Neue Aufgaben in der Erinnerungen-App erstellen you can set reminders to do something when you enter a certain area can add from Safari Erinnerungsliste erstellen und freigeben can break off into separate window Einkaufslisten und Intelligente Listen Notizen mit Inhalt befüllen full formatting checklists, with sorting tables shares a location from map and from Safari Notizen teilen, sperren, anheften und strukturiert ablegen Intelligente Ordner in Notizen he uses most: Safari, mail and notes folder with all notes that have urls Mit iOS-Geräten und macOS Sonoma zusammenarbeiten iTunes discontinued in 2019 Benutzer:in anlegen Benutzer:in löschen deletes and saves to images image is a dmg Diktieren statt tippen it works in Chrome Google Mail Bildschirmzeit einrichten Auf Ressourcen im Netzwerk zugreifen didn't find any in my network is on another Mac computer also folders in Finder Finder > Go > Connect to Server it found my Windows computer at (IPv4 address), but the login/password didn't workusing another ip address didn't get as far, so it did find it in the network it connected with smb because it's Windowsyou could also use ftp, http Eigene Dateien und Ressourcen im Netzwerk freigeben has a folder he wants to share created a new user homeusers, "Sharing Only" then General, Sharing, File Sharing on it says in file sharing that the computer is accessible via smb://edwards-mbpwindows says I need a new app to access smb, but then didn't suggest any new app hmm, ifconfig on Mac doesn't list any IP4 address interesting, in Network on Windows, can see Linux, but not Mac in Network tab, only printers IP address can be found under Wi-Fi, details shows how to do vnc:// to share screens and printers also media Programme zwangsweise beenden was able to Apple > Force Quit > Safari you can also do this with: Mac und Apps auf dem aktuellen Stand halten for e.g. Adobe software, you have to go to the About tab for each application